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Mold Remediation Washington DC: The Politics of Mold Removal

Published by 911 Restoration Washington DC on July 17, 2014 in category: Mold Inspection

Political mud-slinging is something of a daily tradition in the nation’s capital, but every once in a while a story comes along that touches on the world of home repair and restoration. Muriel E. Bowser, a current nominee running for D.C. mayor, has called for an investigation into the financial troubles of a prominent affordable housing building in the city. Among the long list of problems plaguing the building, which include rampant rodents and busted air conditioning, is a familiar foe called mold. A job of this scope will require the expertise of a mold remediation Washington D.C. company to save the building.

Mold and You!

You may be thinking ‘hey, looks like mold only breeds in neglected buildings that aren’t taken care of correctly by the government, I must be completely safe.’ Wrong. Mold can strike any property, from the most dilapidated run-down complex to the most pristine Virginia mansion. Sure, mold may be more common in a building that isn’t maintained, but even a little bit of excess moisture is enough to lure this dangerous intruder.

What Can You Do?

So now you’re probably thinking ‘well that’s just great, there’s nothing I can do, guess I’ll just have to live with mold and be sick and miserable all the time, just my luck’ and so on and so forth. Well stop right there, partner. While mold is a formidable beast, it can be slain just like any other with the proper knowledge and professional help. Keep a vigilant eye, as well as a vigilant nose, for mold in your home. It often appears as green, black or yellow spots on your walls and floors. In terms of odor, mold often gives off a sickly mildew scent – it’s hard to describe, but you’ll know it when you get a whiff, that’s for sure!

Don’t Be a Hero

At the first sign of trouble call a certified mold removal specialist and steer clear! You may be tempted to roll up your sleeves, grab some all-purpose cleaner and have at it, but this simply isn’t a good idea. First of all, many common varieties of mold are quite toxic and will cause illness. Sneezing, coughing and itchy skin is saved for the lucky ones – it only gets worse from there. Secondly, regular household cleaning products simply aren’t going to get the job done. Even if it looks as if the mold is gone there can still be trace amounts of fungus spores still present, and even this small amount of mold can make you sick. A qualified professional will bring all of the necessary safety equipment to handle mold properly, as well as state of the art mold detection tools and specialized cleaners to completely sanitize the vile villain.

Maybe there’s mold in your attic, basement or crawlspace right now, multiplying as you sit here reading this, plotting and scheming its assault on your health and your property. Do you know where your mold removal company is?

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