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Water Damage Washington D.C.: How to Stay Safe from a Flash Flood

Published by 911 Restoration Washington DC on August 12, 2014 in category: Water Damage Restoration

Once again heavy rains, thunderstorms and the potential for flash floods have struck the Washington D.C. area. The news has been recently been filled with accounts of people caught in flash floods in Montgomery and Prince George’s county. And these flash floods are not a recent phenomenon to the D.C. area. Sudden floods afflict the Washington D.C. area every Spring and Summer. In the best cases, flash floods temporarily flood roads and make travel a nightmare. In the worst case scenario, a flash flood can destroy cars, homes, and even kill people. The primary concern of our water damage Washington D.C. team is for the safety of our community and our neighbors. We provide water damage restoration for flood victims and know the measures you should take during a flash flood. There are several steps you can take to protect your safety.

1. You May Not Have a Warning

Many people depend on flash flood warnings and watches issued by the National Weather Service. While these watches and warnings are extremely important and should be taken seriously, you can’t always assume that you are safe. Floods can happen faster than the National Weather Service can predict. Many times a flash flood will come out of nowhere with little to no warning. Oftentimes, these floods are caused by a massive amount of rain that overfills debris or ice dams, these natural dams break, and unleash a torrent of water. So, whether you are at home or on the road, always keep an eye on weather conditions.

2. Drive Cautiously

Motorists often find themselves and their vehicles trapped in flash floods because they either ignored bad weather or have misjudged how much water is covering a road. Remember, it only takes six inches of water to stall a car, it only takes about a foot of water to float a vehicle, and it only takes two feet of swiftly moving flood water to sweep away a vehicle. And, yes, that includes trucks and SUVs. The number one way you can avoid getting stuck in your car during a flash flood is by not driving during bad weather. If you limit your driving during heavy thunderstorms you limit the chances you and your car will be caught in a flash flood. If you are driving and find yourself approaching a flooded road, don’t attempt to cross it, instead find another way to your destination. If you can’t find another way to your destination find higher ground until the water subsides. Most importantly, if your car stalls in the middle of a flood, abandon it and seek out higher ground on foot. Don’t sacrifice your life for your car.

3. Safeguard Your Life and Worry About Everything Else Later

During a natural disaster many people tend to focus on the wrong thing. They worry about their house, or their car, or their possessions. All of these things – house, car, and possessions– are important but they aren’t as important as your life. Your possessions, your car, and even your house can be replaced. Your life and the lives of your family can never be replaced. If you are in danger from a flash flood seek shelter immediately. After the flood has passed you can called our water damage Washington D.C. experts to help you recover from any disaster. Be safe out there.

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